

This is the Calendar for the Bulgarian School “Azbuka” for the academic year 2024-2025. We observe all Bulgarian national holidays as well as the public holidays in Ireland. The school year lasts for 29 school weeks including several weeks off due to mid-term breaks and the Christmas holiday season.

The calendar for the Bulgarian School “Azbuka” has been set in accordance to the official school programs from the Ministry of Education in Bulgaria and is set in a way to provide the children from ages 4 to the final 6th year classes with all the knowledge they would need in Bulgarian, Geography and History. 

Calendar for the Bulgarian School “Azbuka” 2024 – 2025


School Week
14Start of the school year1
21School day – Celebration of the Unification of Bulgaria2
28School day3

5School day – start of extracurricular activities4
12School day5
19School day6
26Non School day: October Bank Holiday

2School day – Celebration of the Day of the Bulgarian Enlighteners7
9School day8
16School day9
23School day10
30School day11
7School day12
14School day: Christmas party13
21Non School day: Christmas Holiday
January 2025

4Non School day: Christmas Holiday
11School day – Start of the second term14
18School day15
25School day16

1Non School day: Bank Holiday17
8School day18
15School day: Workshop for kids to create Martenitsi19
22Non School day

1School day: Celebration of the 1st of March (Baba Marta) and the National Holiday of Bulgaria celebrated on the 3rd of March20
8School day21
15Non School day: Saint Patrick’s Day holiday
22School day22
29School day23

5School day24
12School day25
19Non School day: Spring Holiday, Easter
26Non School day: Spring Holiday, Easter

3School day26
10School day27
17School day28
24Non School day: Sport Holiday in Phoenix Park, Celebration of 24 May and awarding of graduation certificates29